This a characther that i always see at the wet market by the name of Usop.
Manage to capture him reading some newspaper.Usop seems to be in a delusion most of the time because his habit of glue sniffing.
The way he reads the newspaper reminds me of a poem by
Yugata suciani
Usai cerita Dunia Lapuk
Kisah tercampak
Merajut di kala suntuk
Jiwa kau terkuak
Nyala nurani terkutuk
Bumi yang aku pijak, bumi kerontang
Tiada mata air yang pasti :untukmu
Laut yang menderu, laut berkarang
Tiada pandang yang yakin :kepadamu
Cerita tergolek di gurat senja
Melupakan embun dan kabut
Mengecap kecut di akhir hari
:benteng itu bukanlah dunia
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